Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 3-E is for Emergency Room

3, E and Semi-Circle 

Just so I don't leave you guessing why I titled this post as I did, I will talk about Friday first and work my way back to Monday.

As it turned out, Friday was not the best day in the history of days.  The kids and I met some friends at Mountain Brook library.  We had a great time playing, reading and picking out more books to check out.  It all started to go South when we went upstairs (because I wanted to find a non-kids' movie-not the kids' section, I know).  Oddly, there was a shelf with a few pieces of sports equipment on it (basketball, baseball glove, etc) as well as a large ball-shaped rock.  The rock was on the bottom shelf.  So of course my son was drawn to that shelf like a magnet.  I told him multiple times to leave the stuff alone...but I rounded the corner and heard him scream.  I rushed back over to find that he had rolled that stone off the bottom shelf onto his fingers.  I noticed they were quickly swelling and turning purple and realized an x-ray was required.

A sweet sissy kissing his hurt fingers in the ER.
Due to the fact that we are still new in town and my son was in pain, I didn't know where to park at the hospital.  As you might can imagine, I didn't want to spend any time looking for appropriate parking because I was anxious to get him in and treated. may know where this is car got towed while we were in the ER.  HA!  I'm starting to think we should not have gotten out of bed that morning.  
It's a good thing our number of the week was 3.  2 broken fingers + 1 car tow = 3 unfortunate events
What a fantastically educational day! (insert sarcasm)

Other morning outings (besides the library/ER day):
Jemison Park
Birmingham Museum of Art
Doctor's appointment (checkups for both kids)
Ballet class

Our semi-circle art project was simple.  I cut an apple in half and then cut through the half, so that each kid had a "semi-circle stamp".  They dipped the apple piece in different colors of paint and created their art.

This week I introduced Spanish.  I did this in very simple ways: a Spanish DVD from the library (that they watched while I was in the shower), a Spanish matching game and several books from the library with Spanish incorporated.  A couple of those books also included the number 3: "The Three Cabritos" by Eric Kimmel and "The Three Tamales" (can't remember the author and already took it back).  

Food was pretty simple to work our shape into.  Can anyone say "Tacos and Quesadillas"??

                                           There was even a semi-circle at the art museum!

ABC box surprises were-Elephant, Earrings, and a snow globe Egg

We also ate several hard-boiled eggs throughout the week.

Can't you tell this is an E?? ha!

Youtube videos we watched:
3 song:
E song:

*Also, while riding in the car, we listened to an Ellie Goulding song that my kids call the "E E song".  The title of it is "Anything Could Happen" and she does say that sound a lot in it.  We also talked about the fact that Ellie starts with E.
E is for Ellie of my favorite singers.

We did a pinterest science "Experiement" that did not work.  If you see a pin that says "dancing raisins" or "rising raisins", don't get your hopes up...unless you're a better scientist than me.  

Overall, I would say this week was "Eventful".  I'm thankful that we survived
a week of 3's, E's and semi-circles...but I have to say, I wouldn't
want to do it over again.  Bring on a week of 4...
only I hope we don't have 4 unfortunate
events next week. :)


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